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I do what I want
and I do it with my very own way
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Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Saturday, February 12, 2011

My blog is dead and sad,just like me :)

When I was a child,I used to believe in so many things:Fairytales,Santa Claus,Shooting stars,Dreams,Hope and most importantly, People and that everyone had kindness in them.But as you grow older,that warm heart that used to believe in everything is gone,in it's place is a stone cold thing that barely counts as a heart,that thing slowly locked up the goodness in me as I grow older,not because I realise how cruel people can be,how heartless the world is,but because my heart can't take it anymore,every loneliness I felt, every betrayal,every lie,every broken promises,every harsh words spoken,it cuts a deep wound in me,it never had the time to heal and with every cut it bleeds even more.Now it's locked away deep in the stone cold thing where only a few people can reach it,it's healed but it bares a thick scar now.Reminding me of everything those people has done to me,reminding me to not ever be like them,and that I have to be strong.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I shot for the sky, I'm stuck on the ground
So why did I try? I know I'm gonna fall down.

I fell down,again and again,
Because I won't stop trying.
But this time,I won't fall,
Because I won't try.
Falling down and getting back up shows that you're strong,
That you'll never give up.
But when one falls too many times for the same reason,
One would not get up again,
As we'll only fall and hurt ourselves once more.
I'm done trying,
I'll just curl on the floor,
Trying to save whatever dignity I have left and to put back the broken pieces of myself.
I'm tired of chasing after things that I'll never have.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Right now, I wish that I could just die in total peace,where nothing can mentally harm me anymore.

I'm sorry
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

For the first time in my life, I've not been attending school 5 out of 7 days in a week,never tried that before and it was kinda fun,don't need to wake up 5.30am in the morning and rot the dewan.Instead, for the first time in who knows how many month I actually slept through more than 6 hours in a night without waking up every 2 hours.

BUT,that's not really the point of this post.It's November now and it means HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!But surprisingly I don't feel the usual excitement or the happiness of knowing that I have about one and a half month of holiday.Instead, I felt sad.Maybe it's because I'm gonna separate with my dear classmates next year and go into a class that I'm not familiar with?or maybe it's because some of my friends are transferring school next year?whichever it is it's still a separation,it's just that one is less painful than the other.Honestly,I can't believe 3 years has passed since the day I step into the 3c classroom,now when i rethink all the memories I have there whether is it an argument or a celebration,I realize that I will really miss my class.

But,no matter how much I'll miss it or how reluctant am I to separate with my dear classmates I can't really stop those things from happening,so all I can say is thanks for all the memories,regardless of whether it''s a bitter or sweet memory,you guys really taught me so many things,if I had chose to go another school that day in form1,my life would be so different and I'm sure it will not be as great as my life now.

I know I have many wrong things,some I apologize for and some I think they deserve it,but nevertheless you guys are still one of the most awesome people I ever met because most of you don't judge,you just accept me for who I am and I truly appreciate that and when I say that I don't just mean my current classmates but to all you awesome people who stood by me when I cry or when I'm frustrated.

Lastly,I'm so sorry for all the things I've done to upset you,really,I am.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

In every form3 students life,there comes a time where you need to make an important decision and that is to choose which stream to take for the next 2 years in secondary school.Honesty,I am so confuse.

At first, I thought that I would take what many of the seniors are taking,pure science and accounts,but this year,it's different.Due to the new syllables the government has come out with,accounts students now have to do kerja krusus,starting this year.This project has to be marked by the school teacher therefore you can't take accounts outside by hiring a tutor like what the seniors are doing.

When they told us that,I was so lost.I always said that I will enter pure science with additional accounts,but now that everything's changed I'm not so sure anymore.Although my ambition has always to become a psychiatrist,but how sure am I that I'll still stick to this ambition until I grow up?I chose to take pure science but it doesn't allow us to take accounts as an additional subject.What if in the midway of being a pure science student I realize that I have no interest in Biology and that I want to be in other field instead?!

Damn damn damn,why can't they offer us a stream where there is biology and accounts?that way not just me but so many others can just choose that and be happy,but,dreams are only a dream and I doubt that it will come true anyway.

After discussing it with my parents I decided to take pure science anyway,hope that I won't regret this decision because it'll be too late for it.It's now when we start to realize how one small step can change the outcome of our lives,okay,so maybe it was too exaggerating. =/

Copyrighted @ Michelle